This is our sixth episode of our series one redo. This series we explore the LGBTIQ+ acronym with guest presenters from the community. Please check out our first episode for this series for a broader understanding of sexuality and gender. Sarah has learnt a lot since beginning the show and as such decided a relaunch of series one for the one year anniversary would be perfect.
This episode covers the letter 'T' for Trans and Gender Diverse with guest Jay (he/him) who identifies as Trans Masculine and Bisexual. For current affairs in our community Sarah discussed her recent interview on Lance TV (simulcast to Lance TV Ballarat and Channel 31 Melbourne) and one of the viewer questions regarding trans and gender diversity inclusion in sport. We explore Jay's journey and how he experienced societal expectations in regards to gender. We also discussed what transitioning can involve and how TV shows are becoming better at Trans and Gender Diverse visibility. We also tested Jay's knowledge with a Transgender History quiz. For events in our community Sarah mentioned OCRtober, Pink Up Colac and Geelong Pride Film Festival.
If you have any questions, feedback or would like to be involved send us a message on facebook, instagram or email us [email protected]
Send in your question before 16/10/2020 to hear it live on the next episode (please note music and question time is now only on the live episode and not in the podcast).
Jay does not currently have any public social media but when if he ever does we will add in that information.
Important information:
Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic-
Trans, gender diverse and non-binary inclusive support for young people in Regional Victoria-
The Shed-,invitation%20of%2C%20their%20trans%20man.