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In life we learn to hear the voice of our Creator. When we turn our hearts to Him and listen, we are in process of having our hearts turned from stone to flesh. Life is a journey, make the most of it ... more
FAQs about From Stone to Flesh - Ruach Ministries Int'l:How many episodes does From Stone to Flesh - Ruach Ministries Int'l have?The podcast currently has 71 episodes available.
September 20, 2022Yom Kippur TeachingYom HaKippurim (Yom Kippur) the day of atonement. What really happened on this day and what is the relevance for me today? Join us on 9/17/22 for our Shabbat service as we will be teaching about this amazing day. What does it mean to have atonement provided for you? What would happen if the service was not received by YHWH? Who was the only one permitted to make atonement for the people of YHWH?You won't want to miss this....more56minPlay
September 20, 2022Yom Teruah TeachingYom HaKippurim (Yom Kippur) the day of atonement. What really happened on this day and what is the relevance for me today? Join us on 9/17/22 for our Shabbat service as we will be teaching about this amazing day. What does it mean to have atonement provided for you? What would happen if the service was not received by YHWH? Who was the only one permitted to make atonement for the people of YHWH?You won't want to miss this....more48minPlay
March 31, 2022Is Keeping kosher Relevant for TodayDoes Kosher really matter? Did Yeshua declare all animals clean and fit for consumption? Did Peter eat pork? Did Paul say eat whatever animals you want as long as you pray? All of these will be addressed...more57minPlay
March 01, 2022How Do We Prepare a Place for YHWH to DwellShalom Y’all, this week we talk about preparing a place for YHWH to dwell. We know that He dwells within us but we also look back at the instruction for His habitation to see examples of how His presence is in us and is manifest through us....more39minPlay
February 23, 2022Silver_Gold_and StoneShalom Y’all, this week we will be talking about the representations in Scripture concerning Silver, Gold, & Stone. We will see reflections of redemption, unity, idolatry, coldness to the things of YHWH and ultimately a new place of covenant!...more45minPlay
December 23, 2021Shemot, Names, character, also ExodusShalom Y’all, this week we start the book of Exodus, Sh’mot in Hebrew which means “names.” A persons name is synonymous with reputation or character. In this book we see YHWH revealing His heart and character to His people. He redeems them, brings them out of their oppression, takes them through the water to Himself where they receive His Word by His Ruach (Spirit) and learn to walk with Him as they go toward the promise. As we start this book we must ask ourselves how we will respond to the call to “follow me.” Will we respond like Moshe? Like Pharaoh? Like Israel? We have some things to examine here. ...more33minPlay
December 23, 2021Is hope the same as faith?Shalom Y'all, this podcast we talk about hope. Where does our hope lay? Are we hoping in the right thing? Is hope the same as faith?...more38minPlay
November 30, 2021Chanukah and the importance of it in connection to YeshuaShalom Y’all, this week we talk about Chanukah and the importance of the events in relationship to Yeshua. If Chanukah never happened it could have had an impact on the life of Yeshua and, ultimately, it would affect you as well!...more38minPlay
October 27, 2021Oil, Resurrection, & the Son of AvrahamShalom everyone, this week we cover the Haftarah for Vayera (Gen 18-22) and look at the connections between the 2 miracles performed through Elisha and the life of Avraham & Yitzchak. There may be more here than appears at first glance. (spoiler alert, there always is)...more46minPlay
September 13, 2021the Fall Moedim - Part 2 - the feast of ingatheringShalom Y’all, this week we continue to talk about the Fall Moedim and their prophetic nature. Sukkot aka Tabernacles aka booths aka the weeding feast aka ingathering... what do all these have in common? Check it out!...more41minPlay
FAQs about From Stone to Flesh - Ruach Ministries Int'l:How many episodes does From Stone to Flesh - Ruach Ministries Int'l have?The podcast currently has 71 episodes available.