If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that each decision we make and each action we take should be done with intention. I define intention as the heart of a plan or a goal. Manifesting the things that we want through a defined purpose that is fueled by action is key. I speak about this often because I’ve seen the difference that it has made in my life and in my business.
This episode is all about feeling all the feels in your life and business. Allowing your business to work for you not the other way around. As business owners it’s important to set standards but even more importantly, we should set measurable goals with clear objectives to deliver the desired outcomes.
Life can be a challenge, especially if you are an entrepreneur who is trying to figure it all out on your own. Believing in what you started is an essential piece of the puzzle to create a healthy business. At times it can be the difference between giving up and pushing a little harder.
Things start shifting when intentionally align your priorities. What you want wants you right back because you are now focused. That’s when you start manifesting and attracting the things that make a difference in your life. This is what happened to me: I started to see a shift.
You will see a shift too! A shift in the way that you see your clients. A shift in what you believe you are was worth. A shift in the way that you decide to deliver your services. And finally, a shift in your ability to see the big picture.
My business catapulted to new heights when I decided to create a brand that embraced all the layers in my life. I put my family first, did the things that felt right with my soul, and created a clear plan for my business (in that order). I was scared to put family first but when I did, I felt a shift.
TO RECAP: The things that promote success and that are at the core of it all are the pillars by which you uphold the business. Ask yourself the following questions when you are ready to dive deep:
Are you working from a place of intention?
Are you currently serving your ideal client? Are you in the industry because you love it or because you want to be like someone else?
What’s keeping you from your next big move?
Is it possible that you are selling yourself short because of fear of the unknown?
I invite you to shift your brilliance and with it your intentions. It’s possible to dream big and to create a life that embraces your passion and pays homage to you and your loved ones. If you haven’t done so, start today. It’s time to pivot. Become remarkable in a very conscious way.