Jan-Erik Vahlne is an award-winning international business scholar whose distinctions include:
- Journal of International Business Studies, Decade Award, 1987 and 2019
International Marketing Review, Best Paper Award 1990International Business Review, Best Paper Award 2012Over the course of his career, Dr. Vahlne has served in variety of professional positions, including:
- 1978-83: Secretary, Governmental Committee on Foreign Direct Investment
1986-88: Associate Dean, Graduate School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan1988-1995: Professor, Stockholm School of Economics1993-1995: President, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia1996-2011: Professor, Gothenburg University2011-Present: Professor Emeritus, Gothenburg UniversityVisit https://www.aib.world/frontline-ib/jan-erik-vahlne/ for the original video interview.