Modern terrorism has thrived thanks to the development of political correctness and bullshit. "Islamophobia" is another cost effective weapon used by terrorists to undermine criminal behavior while simultaneity victimizing the targets of their crimes.
Islamophobia, offers social protection and empathetic support for terrorists to avoid accountability in virtually every context-legally, socially, ethically, and spiritually. "Islamophobia" like the entire religion of Islam, is an artificial concept crafted and implemented by manipulative assholes to gain support for their crimes against humanity. As we all know, terrorists are extremely sensitive which is why they prioritize deception over honesty.
Terrorists rely on the media to broadcast their bullshit and manipulate the general public to empathize with them. It's these narratives that infiltrate vulnerable minds to cling onto outdated, Jewish hate.
The media is drawn to social manipulation due to the public's fascination with drama for entertainment, at the cost of human life. Most of the people who enjoy watching the horrific surveillance footage from a terrorist attack cannot understand that what they are watching. This is partly because no one in their bloodline has ever been subjected to this type of terror, they're convinced that barbarism is somehow justified, or they just simply hate Jewish people for no reason at all.
After suffering from a surprise terrorist attack, Israelis weren't able to process the abrupt encounter, let alone mourn the loss of their loved ones, before taking the appropriate steps to ensure that this type of event will never happen again. Instead, they had to reassemble, delegating intellectual, social, and physical efforts to establish the physical and mental security its own citizens, as well as the prospectives of those who want to sell a story in the most horrific way possible.
Terrorism achieves one of its goals if citizens are too frightened to use public facilities and services, fearing potential attacks. As the threat of international terrorism to global peace and security escalates, the international community must enhance cooperation to combat this growing menace together.