Episode 013
Podcast Title: RecoveryCast - Garry Dubbs and Hailey Grandchamp on the Fueling Fire Podcast
To watch this episode, please visit All Terrain Fitness Facebook Group or YouTube channel
Listeners can find Garry Dubbs and Hailey Grandchamp on the All Terrain Fitness Facebook Group, on Instagram at @allterrainfitness, @garry_allterrain @hailey_allterrain, and the Fueling Fire YouTube channel
Garry Dubbs and Hailey Grandchamp are the creators and head coaches of the All Terrain Fitness, Mentality, and Fat Loss community. They both have a passion to share what functional fitness, nutrition, and mindset has done to improve their lives. The All Terrain lifestyle seeks to build the best version of yourself, without restrictions, to better oneself and share life and improvement with your community.
In this episode, Hailey and Garry talk about ideal practices and disciplines for optimal recovery!
“I really don’t think that people realize how shitty they feel until they start to fix themselves.” - Hailey Grandchamp
Top Takeaways:
- Basics of Recovery, Inflammation, fueling, hydration
- Fitness should amplify your life
- Balanced nutrition with fats, carbs, and protein
- The most bang for your buck is in brain recovery
- Higher-level modalities
Show Notes:
- [0:00] Show Trailer
- [1:00] WWEEEE are live! Back at it again with the lead duo of the All Terrain crew Garry Dubbs and Hailey Grandchamp for a hard hitting discussion of recovery after training.
- [2:52] Globo Gym people are stuck in the mindset of grinding harder and harder and never easing up.
- [6:45] “I really don’t think that people realize how shitty they feel.” - Hailey Grandchamp
- [9:58] Hailey overcoming the grind grind grind conditioning
- [12:00] Being a brat, and is cereal the healthiest thing you can eat? (14:03)
- [15:56] Coaching a significant other, the back squat story, and yes we do think Hailey is an angel.
- [20:34] “Not overdoing it is tricky because nervous system fatigue is what you are trying to elicit for an adaptation.” - Garry Dubbs There are plenty of fitness classes out there where you are not challenging the body enough.
- [23:18] Master the basics of recovery, first is checking inflammation, not over or under fueling your metabolism, and hydration.
- [36:13] What are some of the high level basics of recovery for the everyday athlete as opposed to more of the average person? You need well balanced nutrition, Fats, Carbs(sugars), and protein are all equally necessary to elicit positive results.
- [40:43] The mistake of not equating moods and emotion to physical stimulus and input.
- [43:12] Should you just do mobility on your recovery days?
- [48:27] Learn what foods you might be more reactive to. This is highly individual and take time to learn your specific body because foods are not bad, but a specific food might be bad for you personally.
- [53:40] Higher level recovery solution to use once you have mastered the basics and mid level disciplines. Heat exposure, cold exposure, recovery tools that are specific to the activity you do for training.
- [1:02:25] Manage recovery through some sort of meditation practice.
- [1:04:06] What’s the best immediate bang for your buck with recovery? Fix your brain first to feel the immediate feedback to your body.
- [1:07:41] Check out the all terrain body blueprint
- [1:10:00] Breath to lower your blood pressure you fuckers
- [1:12:30] Wrapping up the episode. Drop the #value if you got something from this episode of the Fueling Fire Podcast
Find more online at All Terrain Fitness, Mentality, and Fat Loss, access a Free upper mobility guide, get a Free home GOYA (Get Off Your Ass) workout, or shoot coach Garry or coach Hailey a direct message
Check out Post Show Wrap-ups (insert link here)
Join the All Terrain Fitness Facebook Group today to find more fitness, nutrition, and life resources while engaging with our passionate, caring community. Also, stop by www.athfits.com and check out our YouTube channel for more episodes of the All Terrain Fueling Fire Podcast!
Garry Dubbs ([email protected]) earned his BS in Exercise Science and is a former D1 Strength & Conditioning Coach. He owned and operated his own gym in Baltimore, MD for 3 years before starting ATH. Growing up, he was a competitive wrestler, football player, and golfer. Being a multi-sport athlete truly taught him the importance of moving WELL.
Hailey Grandchamp ([email protected]) earned her BA in psychology and MA in early childhood education and spent the past 4 years teaching 1st grade in Baltimore City. Not only that, she is a former high level gymnast and multi-sport athlete, so she knows the importance of finding what works and is fun for YOU!
Garry and Hailey are currently engaged and live in Colorado with their dogs Dakota, Nala, and Zuzu