After the Wilderness
We’re so glad you could join us today, from wherever you are. Check out the message from Sunday, October 30, 2022 with Pastor Molly Simpson in Deuteronomy 34: 1-5
Please contact us if you have any questions about beginning a relationship with God or connecting to this church. If you would like more information on anything, don't hesitate to ask. Drop us a message in the comments below so that we know you're joining us. You are welcome here!
● Today’s scripture is Deuteronomy 34: 1-5
● Announcements: Signup or find current church updates in our weekly newsletters at:
● Give Online at or text-to-give at (833) 409-0585
● Contact the Prayer Team:
● Past Services:
● First Methodist Killeen Facebook:
● First Methodist Killeen YouTube:
We reserve no rights to the music used in this service. All music used by Permission. CCLI License # 1722305