"Business as usual" is no longer enough to successfully grow and innovate. OEMs now need to approach venture growth with a creative combination of "build, buy and partner," while making efforts to not stifle innovation by holding acquisitions, incubators, and the like too close. We're diving into growth venture strategy in the latest episode of Future Perfect Tech with the founder and managing director of Spinnaker Venture Partners, Mark Roth, and president and founder of Harbor Research, Glen Allmendinger.
Mark Roth is founder and Managing Director of Spinnaker Venture Partners. Spinnaker, as a Venture Development firm, has been involved in the identification, funding, launch, and development of innovative early stage entrepreneurial ventures for the past 15 years. Mark has over 20 years experience as leading and developing venture based start-ups and as a management consultant providing leadership on new product development, innovation management, and business origination.
Mark has held leadership R&D positions in Rockwell International, Honeywell, and Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals and has provided management consulting on corporate and business development issues to emerging technology businesses. Internationally, he has led the origination of energy related businesses in the EU, Eastern Europe and Russia. Mark has served as a board member and director of numerous manufacturing industry and technology consortia including the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, the Microelectronics Computer Consortium, the Software Engineering Institute and the Software Productivity Consortium. He has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology and has affiliations with the Tuck School of Business and the Czech Technical University.
Glen Allmendinger has been responsible for managing all of Harbor Research’s consulting and research activities since its inception. Glen has worked with a very broad range of leading technology innovators, product OEMs, and service providers assisting them with strategy and market development for new smart product, systems, and services opportunities. He has participated in pioneering research and consulting work in the Smart Buildings, Healthcare, Retail, Transportation, Energy and Industrial arenas helping clients to determine the scale and structure of emerging opportunities, competitive positioning, and design of new business models.
In 2005, Glen co-authored the pioneering article “Four Strategies for The Age Of Smart Services,” published in the Harvard Business Review. Glen has also authored thought leading articles for a wide range of publications including, The Economist and The Wall Street Journal, as well as being a frequent speaker in industry forums.
Learn more at https://harborresearch.com/future-perfect-tech/