Today on Harmonic Egg with Gail Lynn, Gail interviews Silvia Martinez with Harmonic Wellness, LLC, in Castro Valley, CA. Join us for success stories and why we love the Egg!
Silvia is a bilingual native of Mexico City who migrated with her family to the U.S. at the age of 4 and has lived most of her life in the surrounding Bay Area and East Bay. She is a licensed minister in the State of California and is transitioning from 25 years in the healthcare industry (database and project management) to follow her passion in alternative healing modalities. She began her spiritual journey in November 2009 following a turning point in her life where digging beneath the surface became necessary. No longer wishing to repeat the same patterns and truly longing for a deeper connection and meaning, she began asking the universe for guidance. Within a short time, she was introduced to a spiritual training center in Castro Valley and delved into an intensive 12-month Clairvoyant Training Program. This was a time of deep self-exploration where she applied principles of spirit-to-spirit communication in neutrality, awareness and amusement. In April 2011, Silvia decided she wanted to go deeper and embarked on a 14-month Hands on Healing Program (working the spiritual body within the physical body). As part of her training, she performed psychic readings and aura healings at psychic fairs, assisted monthly in the various healing clinics (Out of Body Healing Clinic, and Hands On Healing Clinic), the annual Christ force healings on Christmas Eve and ran the Monday night Female Healing Clinic at the center. She also performed house healings/blessings and assisted people in their transition to the next realm.
In December 2016, the spiritual centers door closed, but Silvia’s dedication to assisting others on their spiritual path was paramount and she continued to ask the universe “How may I serve?” This is when she learned about the art of Reconnective Healing and in September 2017, she became a Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner. In 2018, as she continued to peel the layers, she found deep insight, release and transformation with several Clarity Breathwork sessions, an amazing DNA Reprogramming session with Geraldine Orozco and several months of intense work with Gary Blier and his Advanced Cell Training program. This work not only healed her physically, it made it very clear that her purpose and mission in this life was to use her gifts to serve humanity and that it was time to step into that role. After seeing Gail Lynn in an interview with Regina Meredith in December 2018, Silvia knew this was her path, the answer to her prayers and she responded to the universe with a resounding “Yes!” Divine timing at its best! She is absolutely grateful and feels so blessed to be able to bring this amazing technology to the Bay Area to assist others in their healing journey.
Phone: 510-274-5334