Hi! and welcome to the Eighty-eighth episode of the Gaming Rules! Podcast.
This episode is an audio recording of the Gaming Rules! YouTube Vlog from February 2025. Paul discusses the games he played between 25th January 2025 through to 23rd February 2025, gives details of his upcoming projects, and delivers a charity donation update.
Link to the giveaway fundraiser: https://tilt.fyi/u73s5Aeo7O
If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a Patreon by following the link here: https://www.patreon.com/GamingRules
Link to the gaming Rules! YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/GamingRulesVideos
00:00:00 Introduction & Opening Credits
00:01:29 An Age Contrived
00:03:20 Andromeda’s Edge
00:05:20 Full Board Gaming
00:07:04 Civolution
00:07:52 Evenfall
00:08:29 The Fellowship of the Ring Trick-taking game
00:10:50 Cabanga!
00:12:18 Dro Polter
00:14:54 SETI
00:15:54 War Room
00:19:47 7 Empires
00:26:21 Onward
00:27:40 Fateforge
00:32:57 Caracas
00:35:23 Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game
00:37:31 Evenfall again
00:39:13 Dragons Down
00:48:16 Forest Shuffle
00:51:53 A.I. 100% Human
00:57:22 Tiletum
01:05:53 Talisman Digital
01:08:18 Exit: The stormy flight
01:10:23 Avalon: The Riven Veil
01:13:00 Poison
01:14:32 Online Games
01:21:59 Galactic Cruise Charity fundraiser
01:24:28 Upcoming Content
01:27:02 OrgaNicer Giveaway
01:30:57 Patreon Update
01:35:04 Charity Update
01:37:38 End credits