Life Group Questions
1. 1 Corinthians 3:9 – “For we are coworkers in God’s service.” What does this mean? Who is this directed toward, and does it still apply to Christians today? Do you see yourself as a “coworker in God’s service?” Why or why not?
2. In multiple passages of the New Testament, Christians are commanded to be “like-minded toward one another.” What all does this entail?
3. We need to be “like-minded toward one another” in living out our church’s vision & mission. The picture God gave of our vision looks like us being friendly, optimistic, pulsing w/ life, rowdy, & encouraging when we truly have the life of God within us. Are you like-minded in living out our vision? What (if anything) is holding you back?
4. Pastor Ryan said, “We need to be like-minded about the local church being the hope of the world.” Do you believe this about local churches? GCF Hays? You, personally?
5. We also need to fight for unity by following our relationship principles:
· The faithfulness principle
· The final-word principle
· The friendship principle
· The four-day principle
· The first-word principle
Which of these do you need to work on the most to fight for unity in your life?