Saviors of the land, we never pretended to be. If my memory serves me correct a sea of displaced and troubled masses tend to follow the Scaled Company, no matter how hard we try to escape our fate. Even with a rebrand, decisions have put us, yet again, in a tight spot. With sacrifice, the Dwarven Burrows are caved in and the retreat can begin.
The imperium are beyond they boarders and trapped on the wrong side of a cold war that decided to spark up without their knoweldge. Their continuance is a burden to its lands and at one point, enough is enough.
Thank you yet again to Games Brown For this one, Just some of the best tracks to lay raw on the stage of in character commitment. Also Kellen and Virus of Ideals. all of em have socials and would love to hear from you.
Check us out on all things Dungeonetics and get ready for a new chapter, or book. Goodnight Adventure, you have the pen this time.