Episode 5 of The Geekspeak Report is here! I am joined by contestant two in the Geekspeak Co-Host Challenge, Michael Yanni, known as The Yanni on The Comic Forums. Here is a complete list of what we discuss on the show:
Anime Movie Review: PaprikaMovie Review: Cloverfield (SPOILERS ABOUND!)Dragonball Z Movie RumorsIan had a marathon of the three Terminator films, and also discusses The Sarah Connor ChroniclesVideo Game Reviews: Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law for the Wii, and the Wii Zapper with Links Crossbow TrainingAnimation discussion on the Wolverine and the X-Men trailerGeek News: Rock Back For Wii, X-Box 360 laptop created, CBS Goes Candian (eh), A Retro iPod mockup, The Macbook Air is tiny, Top 10 Tech Super Bowl ads, Mass Effect is Made of Porn according to Fox News, Stargate Atlantis Season Five cast news,
and Microsoft tries to get Yahoo, Yahoo responds by turning to New Corp.
Geek Music: Nintendo by Saint Dragon, If This Geek Ruled The World by Geoff Smith.We will be back next time with the third contestant in the Co-Host Challenge, Troy Mata, alias number6. You can e-mail the show at [email protected], and make sure to check out the Geekspeak Report forums, where you can spread the love for Michael.
Thanks for listening, thanks for downloading, and see you next time!