After a wee summer break, we are back. This month I am joined by the amazing Annamae, a PhD at GCU. This month we gab about her research on friendships between men and how this connects to alcohol consumption and mental wellbeing.
Connect with Annamae: Twitter @Annamae_Burrows
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Ralph, B., and Roberts, S. (2020). One Small Step for Man: Change and Continuity in Perceptions and Enactments of Homosocial Intimacy among Young Australian Men. Men and Masculinities, 23(1), 83–103
Ripley, M. (2018). The integration of British undergraduate men’s public and private masculinities, Journal of Gender Studies, 27:3, 288-300
Thurnell-Read, T. (2012). What Happens on Tour: The Premarital Stag Tour, Homosocial Bonding, and Male Friendship. Men and Masculinities, 15(3), 249–270
[@nottherealdwightthomas2] Dwight Thomas, 19-07-2022
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[@torontoparadise] 27-07-2022
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