Authors Ken Dychtwald and Robert Morison join ASA's CEO Peter Kaldes to discuss their new book, What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life's Third Age. In this book, they provide readers with unparalleled insights into the minds and hearts of the retired (and nearly retired) population, addressing the business case for reframing aging and marketing to retirees, the key values, dreams, and ambition of retirees, and innovations that are needed to connect retirees to better health, stronger community, and a renewed sense of purpose.
ASA, Dychtwald, and Morison have a shared vision of not seeing older adults as a singular group of people, but rather as dynamic, changing, and vibrantly diverse people who are living in a variety of stages of life. What Retirees Want helps people, organizations, and companies better understand this so that we can better serve, market to, build for, and design for all people, no matter where they fall in their life course.
We are so grateful that Dychtwald, a longtime ASA member and leader, is generously donating his proceeds from the sale of this book to the American Society on Aging.