Famous leadership expert Dale Carnegie has a famous quote that says this: “A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
Or, if you want a simpler version, think about the theme song of Cheers. You want to go where everybody knows your name.
Your name is probably your favorite word. It’s nice when people you just met remember it, or when somebody mentions it as part of a funny story. It feels good to be known.
And that’s why identity is so important. As young adults, we need to know deeply who we are. When we know who we are and who we aspire to be, we then can run our decisions and actions through that filter. It’s a foundation to stand on and build on.
Today, we are joined by Kevin Harris. He is the Reach Pastor at Northwood Church, and also a former Genesis pastor. Kevin is an adventure enthusiast, well-traveled, has twins named Luke and Leia, and has bungee jumped off the world’s largest waterfall. He is passionate about missions and seeing the world come to know Jesus, and that stems from a secure identity in who he is in Christ.