Hello and welcome to Get Good! We’ve got a fun size portion for you this week, but don’t think for one second that means we improved a damn thing! We’ve got Dark Souls screw ups, Hall of Fame entries, and other delightful goodies for you in the fun bag. So reach on in and pull out a fresh new handful of Get Good!
Leave it to Amazon to ruin surprises… Darksiders 3 has been officially announced after an Amazon leak, and it seems to be pretty far in development.
As is annual tradition, the oft forgotten Video Game Hall is remembered as it inducted its newest members: Halo, Dankey Kang, Pokemon Red/Green, and Street Fighter 2.
Lastly, in the buggy world of programming, a recent update to GTA V made the most innocent of NPCs vanish. The convenience store clerks. They returned soon after their rapture, but I hope they enjoyed their brief respite not getting brutally murdered for $150.
Shameless plugs!
Friend of the show Rhojin streams quite often and Spiffy can be found there with some frequency. Check out their Twitch channels at the following links:
Rhojin: https://www.twitch.tv/rhojinquest
Spiffy: https://www.twitch.tv/vintagespiffy
Check out our partner podcasts:
Nerd Porn Podcast, Pop Culture Leftovers, Comic Slobs, Friday Night Fandom, and Scene-It Cast
Intro and Outro credit:
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (freemusicarchive.org)
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0