“You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions and your intentions create your reality”
WAYNE DYER. We may be blocking our own prosperity
Many of us have a certain belief about money which primarily includes money that can only earn through hard work, money doesn’t grow on a tree, should save for a rainy day.
All these thoughts are just blocking the flow of financial abundance in our lives.
It doesn’t mean that you should not work hard or save money for the future and you should be lavish in terms of spending money.
What does this means is that we limit our abundance through our thoughts and beliefs.
Even though if we work hard, doing everything we could to prosper.
When we have a belief that says money can only be earned a certain way and it is not fair to earn money without much effort or hard work, we can only earn a certain level of income, We don’t deserve to be rich.
When we continue to believe these thoughts.
All these thoughts of ours, become the truth for ourselves and it gets manifests in our lives and We wonder why we couldn’t prosper.
Louise hay in her wonderful book ” you can heal your life” says, the universe is the source, and the way we receive our money is a channel. It could be through our job, business, or whatever.
If we believe, we truly deserve financial abundance, the universe will open up new channels for us and there are numerous channels out there and the universe is the only source.
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it”
Our thoughts creates our reality
With our thoughts, we create our reality.
If we can hold a brighter vision of our future self. Certainly, we can have it in our life.
Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.
Use positive uplifting affirmations
The use of positive affirmations will help us to feel good and attract things more quickly and easily.
You could use positive affirmations like ” I have all the money I need”, ” I deserve and accept the very best in my life, I am financially abundant.
Since we become what we think about most of the time, our affirmations will become the truth for us and it gets manifests in our lives.
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”