From Wall St. 2. Main St. Fredrick shares with the community how it is that he and his Wall St. colleagues are shifting the paradigm of capital access by bringing angel investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms, mentorship, and relationship access for businesses in disenfranchised communities of color. He shares what's going down at great programs, incubators, and accelerators such as The Northwestern Mutual Black Founder Accelerator, Gener8tor, and Defy Ventures. No matter what stage of the business lifecycle you are at, there are FREE programs available to get you where you want to be. If you own a business or have ever thought of starting a business, this Podcast Episode is for you! #GetRealWoke #ForTheFree #SituationSaturday #RealWokeCommunity
Defy Ventures - (For the formerly incarcerated who want to start a business)
Gener8tor gAlpha - (You aren't formerly incarcerated, you want to start a business but don't know how)
Gener8tor gBeta - (You've started a business but you need help growing your business)
The Northwestern Mutual Black Founder Accelerator - (You are a black-owned technology based business, you have been operating, are growing & scaling, but you need more relationships, guidance and help with capital)
Gener8tor's Flagship Accelerator - (You are not black-owned and/or not a technology business, you have been operating, are growing & scaling, but you need more relationships, guidance and help with capital)
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Read Fredrick's books for valuable insight into personal and professional financial growth and business development skills:
Have a business idea that you'd like to talk through? Book Fredrick for an assessment to get his expert opinion:
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Free financial resources personally developed by Fredrick are available
Check out the articles that Fredrick has written for Entrepreneur Magazine
Disclosure & Disclaimer: #wallst #venturecapital #angelinvesting #privateequity #blackownedbusiness #investing The content, images, name(s) (Fredrick D. Scott, Fredrick D. Scott, FMVA, Fredrick D. Scott FMVA, Fredrick D. Scott, FMVA®, Fredrick D. Scott FMVA®, Fredrick Douglas Scott, #GetRealWoke, and #RealWoke), likeness and brand are properties/assets of Fredrick D. Scott LLC and Intellectual Property rights are asserted thereto. No individual or company is authorized to duplicate, reproduce, or otherwise use any of the properties of Fredrick D. Scott LLC without the express, written authorization of Fredrick D. Scott LLC. Fredrick D. Scott LLC retains all use and licensing rights solely and e