Getting Hit Into & Hitting Into Others: When to Play it Cool & When to Act Like a Fool
We've all been victims and victimized others on the golf course, but what is the appropriate way to react when you accident pipe one into another group? How mad should you be when the threesome behind you hits your cart with their tee shot? The fellas break down the do's and don'ts and also share their experiences with both sides of this tricky coin.
Getting Hit Into & Hitting Into Others: When to Play it Cool & When to Act Like a Fool
We've all been victims and victimized others on the golf course, but what is the appropriate way to react when you accident pipe one into another group? How mad should you be when the threesome behind you hits your cart with their tee shot? The fellas break down the do's and don'ts and also share their experiences with both sides of this tricky coin.