Luke Drumm is a Senior Consultant at Readify.
He's based in Sydney, an author, a speaker, a coder, and he's passionate about building awesome software.
Today I gave Luke a call to talk to him about his first line of code, his many years in the industry and what he enjoys most about working at Readify.
In Discussion:
- Was there a specific moment when you realised you can use magic to make computers to do crazy things?
- First computer. First line of code. 1985.
- Learning tech at a tiny little international boarding school.
- First job. Selling computer Hardware.
- Working at Fujitsu. Making the transition to Development.
- First year at Readify, aka Monash.Net.
- Teaching is a great way to learn.
- 13 years at Readify is a pretty long slog. What has kept you here for so long?
- What sorts of connections do you see between Art and Technology?
- What's behind your approach to public speaking and presentations?
- Books, magazines, and saving games onto cassette tapes.