I named this episode "Ni Håfafa na Chathinasso," or "Absolutely No Worries," because who doesn't like the idea of having no worries? If you're interested in learning how to say "absolutely no worries" then extending your knowledge so you can integrate wonderful things like, "ni håfafa na dibi" into your everyday CHamoru conversation, this is the episode for you.
Possessive and hu-type pronouns were also mentioned in this website, so below are links to grammar lessons and videos:
Grammar Lesson on Hu-type Pronouns: https://www.learningchamoru.com/front_users/grammar/grammar:Hu-type+Pronouns
Grammar Lesson on Possessive Pronouns: https://www.learningchamoru.com/front_users/grammar/grammar:Possessive+Pronouns
YouTube Video on Hu-type Pronouns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXYcL81U05I&feature=emb_logo
YouTube Video on Possessive Pronouns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TusFRdfYE8Y&feature=emb_logo
Music from https://filmmusic.io, "Bassa Island Game Loop" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)