In the midst of managing all that life already throws at us, and in the cloud of COVID-19, the last few days has reminded us of a bigger pandemic we face everyday...hatred...racism and prejudice. As an African American woman, wife, mom, and sister, these recent events are a terrible reminder that we still have a long way to go in this country because we must understand that this is not an isolated incident. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery's death and Amy Cooper's rant for the most of us ..... was the moment we said enough is enough! This issue has plagued our communities for decades but for the first time it showed up in every American's living room...and now we are all grieving, angry, mad, hurt.....but I challenge you to allow your emotions to brew to a catalyst of change. Silence is not an option so I think we as women can start to open the doors of communication so we can use our voice and be heard, so we can use our ears and listen so together we can stand for justice!!! Because enough is enough!!