Full interview -Podcast Season 2: Episode 24
Single parent, virtual teacher, Mom to a self-published author, GA homeschooling Mom, Jade Weatherington
Jade Weatherington at Teacher Jade is a homeschooling mom of one that also worldschools/roadschools when the world is not suffering a pandemic. While she taught in traditional public schools and worked as a parent advocate, when her daughter asked to be homeschooled, she found a new way to teach. Jade began teaching online FT and currently offers English Language Art and "Reading is Lit" classes to middle schoolers through her website www.TeacherJade.com. Her daughter is also a self-published author and her work can be found at www.AuthorJayla.com. They also collaborated on a mini series to showcase how families homeschool.
FULL INTERVIEW release on Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry PODCAST @ Anchor.fm/girlfriendschat on Thursdays 2 p.m. EST
Weekly Interview Teaser and a Podcast release: Thursdays 2 p.m. EST on YouTube at Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry and on FB at Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry
Blog/website: www.tumblr.com/GG2HwithAngelaJordanPerry