On this week’s episode Nicole and Alanna are joined by Amy Suto, who was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis during the pandemic. This conversation is extremely interesting, as Amy is in her 20s and most people with RA are diagnosed between the ages of 30 to 50. Like the common experience of many women with chronic illnesses, her college clinic doctors didn't take her early RA symptoms and pain seriously -- which caused her symptoms to go undiagnosed for several years until they became full-blown.
In this fast-paced, honest, motivational conversation, Amy discusses her early challenges in functioning and healing with RA. Besides inflammatory food, she also reveals the most common cause for a flare up -- you guessed it -- stress! (Being that Amy is always out conquering her business world, stress is something that is tricky for her to manage -- so she shares her tips with us!) She also shares how she handles her RA while traveling (she is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and founder so travels A LOT), the importance of having an understanding/supportive partner while battling a chronic illness, the reality of losing friends during the healing process, changing our relationships to food, and SO MUCH MORE! *Pass me the castor oil liver packs*
This conversation is so interesting and you will learn A TON! If you're a productive go-getter who struggles with the daily handicaps of having a chronic illness... this episode is going to make you feel so seen.
Show Amy and the podcast some love by giving us a listen and downloading this episode! And don’t forget to leave us a review on – we love to hear from you!
If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.
Follow us on social media!
Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast
Twitter: @girlsWgutspod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast
Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella
Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee
Amy's Socials:
Instagram: @sutoscience
TikTok: @sutoscience
Blog: www.amysuto.com
Amy's RA Website: www.letshealRA.com
Bonus: Amy's Freelancer Course: Make Six Figures on Upwork
Amy's Nutritionist, Katie LeBlanc: www.restoringautoimmunehealth.com/