This chapter discusses the values humans tend to
adopt and how our values define us.
Krishna categorizes humans based on the values: Deva Sampat and Asura Sampat.
Deva Sampat is more spiritual in nature with values like fearlessness, truthfulness, calmness, patience, renunciation, non-violence, control of senses, modest, gentle, absence of greed or desire.
Asura Sampat is more materialistic in nature . Anger,
arrogance, delusion, desire, pleasure, worries, ego – all these emotions are traits of Asuras.
Since all human beings have all three Gunas –Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, there is an innate propensity to become fully Divine (influence of Sattva) or exaggerate the demonic propensity (influence of Rajas and Tamas).
Krishna describes what happens when one functions under the influence of ego. Rajas and Tamas qualities are given free play. Undisciplined and unawakened action of Rajas and Tamas leads the human being to become demonic, leading to self-destruction, damage to societal harmony, and undermines the inalienable sanctity of human beings, all life forms and the creation. And so they become Raskshas.