1994’s PCU, directed by Hart Bochner, tells the story of college life at the fictional Port Chester University, and represents "an exaggerated view of contemporary college life in the 90s" - according to the filmmakers. There are slobs, there are snobs, there is the specter of POLIITICAL CORRECTNESS and there is a little bit of skateboarding. The film features Jeremy Piven in his first lead role, a young Jon Favreau, David Spade, and George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars.
Kevin and Mike talk about the weird Jeremy Piven performance at the center of this movie, whether or not they liked this movie, the things the movie gets wrong, the things the move got right (P-Funk being awesome, basically), and the dawn of inline skating - and there's a brief side discussion of Kevin's college radio show. So grab the t-shirt of the band you're going to go see and BE THAT GUY on the latest pulse-pounding episode of GLEAMING THE TUBE!
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