Melinda Salle & Ashley Gosnell had no idea how God would use them and the mission team at an Ethiopia orphanage. They led a short-term mission team to Addis Ababa. What they experienced was 10 young teens "aging out" of their orphanage on that trip. Those 10 girls would be turned out on the streets of Addis Ababa to fend for themselves. Most end up in prostitution, poverty, abuse, and eventually an early death.
The America World Mission team led by Melinda and Ashley knew that God had other plans for these 10 girls. As God led them, they stepped out in faith to respond.
Today, the Beta Hosanna House is a place of refuge, education, training for a trade, and learning the Gospel message. As girls 'graduate' from Beta Hosanna, a new group of girls who age out take their place.
AWAA Mission Trips
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