Live and Unedited
Sonja Courtis from New Zealand, joins us in Australia, at our Global Party Healing from the Inside Out LIVE Sept 2017
She will share the importance of overcoming fear, emotional problems, and the impact of stress in health.
The practice of integrating your mind and body by re-programming your energy and vibration and avoiding some physical symptoms and enhancing your level of joy.
Jacqueline Best first seeded and expressed this vision in 2017:
One billion people being healed from the inside out,
Trusting their inner guidance,
Enjoying the journey of their heart’s desires
Everyone is living in their Best Whole New World, are you one of them?
Join the movement here:
In May 2020 Jacqueline Best wrote the book:
Trusting your Intuition - Discover your Superpower in 10 days
Available in Kindle or Paperback
Do you waste time worrying about the future and the impacts on your family and finances?
Learn to trust your inner guidance for greater clarity, certainty, and confidence.
Join the Facebook group
I will be going live every week each. Make sure to subscribe to my channel to get the notifications and catch all the latest episodes
See you on Jacqueline Best TV LIVE!
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