Warning: This pod will trigger memories of you shivering outside the club in a foreign country, all because a jacket totally clashed with your look. Remember the good times with Cassy Martinez (@cassyymartinez) and guest Nasir Fleming (@nasirfleming), as they trade juicy travel stories on the first ever episode of GLOBETHOTTER, the pod that puts the ✨lover✨ in the travel lover. Tune in to hear us spill the tea on blurry Berghain nights, messy open relationships, and why travel love just hits different.
Inspired to share your epic travel story? Leave a voicemail at speakpipe.com/globethotter to tell Cassy all about it.
Keep up with GLOBETHOTTER:
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theloverintravellover
• Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/globethotter
• Discord: https://discord.gg/sV7tEra5qf
• Get in the loop on our upcoming group trips: https://nor.by/r2euBP
• Shop Globethotter merch: https://bit.ly/shopglobethotter
Where to find Cassy Martinez:
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cassyymartinez
• Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cassyymartinez
• TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@globeth0tter
Where to find Nasir Fleming:
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nasirfleming
• TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@nasirfleming
• Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nasirfleming
• Website: http://www.nasirfleming.com