April Stutzman shares from Live Facebook Video of people who Encounter God's Glory Stories into their personal lives and this episode is with Elizabeth Fook.
A little about Elizabeth
Elizabeth Tiam-Fook is the founder of International Young Prophets, an apostolic ministry that is called to serve the “office of the next-generation prophet”. She believes that God is raising up a company of young prophets to impact the nations of the world with the Voice of God.
Elizabeth graduated from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida with a heart to serve the nations. Elizabeth is part of the Global Team for Women in Ministry Network, a ministry led by Patricia King; she is also the Next-Gen Ambassador for International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders and is ordained by Christian International (the ministry founded by Dr. Bill Hamon).
April's Ministry Page: Kingdom Flame Ministry http://www.kingdomflameministries.com
Live Recorded Video Link Below:
Please contact us through email if you have been blessed, healed, or experience deliverance on this episode.
Email: [email protected]
Blessing all,