In our Season 2 finale, Markette talks to iconic DC newswoman Andrea Roane ahead of her milestone birthday in October.
Few journalists can say they’ve held their roles for more than three decades, but that is exactly the case for iconic d-c newswoman Andrea Roane.
Honored with prestigious awards including Emmys and Gracies, Andrea spent 38 years on air at the CBS station in Washington, which is where we met when I spent four years rushing in and out of a studio where she anchored an early morning news program and I hosted a lifestyle morning show right after… we did wedding segments together and debriefed on important things, like whether my haircuts were too short. She welcomed me to the d-c news scene with open arms and mentored me with her storytelling and truth telling … Andrea shared gems that I now want to share with you… in whatever career you are in, the advice you are about to hear can help you through it, so take a listen and be inspired to glow.
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