A few weeks ago a Vatican dicastery released an important sounding document with a really long title, but what does any of it mean? Now that we’ve had some time for the dust to settle, we are excited to have Eastern Catholic Answer Man and Ukrainian Catholic deacon, Fr. Dcn. Anthony Dragani, joining us this week to walk us through “The Bishop of Rome. Primacy and synodality in the ecumenical dialogues and in the responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint” (that’s a mouthful). In particular, Fr. Dcn. Anthony gives us a lot of the background on how the Papacy figures in to Catholic-Orthodox dialogue, what the new document says, and why the discussion of the papacy is important for Eastern Catholics, too.
Oh, and Diakonissa Maria’s saint of the week was a miraculous invisible monk.
Fr. Dcn. Anthony’s website: https://east2west.org/
Full English translation of “The Bishop of Rome[…]”: http://www.christianunity.va/content/dam/unitacristiani/Collezione_Ut_unum_sint/The_Bishop_of_Rome/The%20Bishop%20of%20Rome.pdf