I give you my top five tips for building wealth, creating more abundance & money in your life. Traditional schooling barely teaches us anything about financial independence, and if you don't have parents to guide you, you're on your own to figure it out. Ever heard of compounding interest? Einstein called it the 8th wonder of world. "He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." These are the tips & guidance I WISH I had in my 20's. It's never to late to start though, so no matter where you are, you can start now.
Plus (like every episode) I give you a free oracle card reading & share a Goddess Life tip of the week, its an easy actionable step to living your best life.
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Here are the links I mentioned in the episode:
www.LoveLifeAction.com/free-download for the freebie "Natural Consequences (made easy)" pocket cheat sheet (what every parent needs in their back pocket) & to subscribe to my e-newsletter!
Black Girl Mathgic subscription boxes
Rich Dad, Poor Dad book, Robert Kiyosaki
Money a Love Story book, Kate Northrup
Creating Affluence book, Deepak Chopra
Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Hearts in Harmony, Gay & Katie Hendricks
The Life Changing Magic of Tiding Up, Marie Kondo
Heartfullness Project: LoveLifeAction.com
Heartfullness Project Facebook & instagram
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