Join Rev. Sean Daenzer and Concordia Irvine students Shane, Noah, Joshua, and (CUI adjacent) Jacob as they reflect on their formative experiences at the 2024 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music this past July, and as they discuss how the liturgy, psalms, and the habit of praying the daily offices has deepened and expanded their growth as young Christians as they study for future service in the Church as pastors, musicians, and artists.
Shane Perry is a senior at Concordia University Irvine, majoring in Art/Graphic Design and minoring in Pre-Seminary studies.
Jacob Tung recently graduated from University of California – San Diego and attends University of Irvine as a graduate student, studying electrical engineering. He serves as an organist at Trinity Christo Rey Lutheran Church Santa Anna, CA.
Noah Martini is a senior at Concordia University Irvine, studying Biblical Languages. He is part of the Pre-Seminary program.
Joshua Rueter is a sophomore at Concordia University Irvine in the Pre-Seminary program. He is majoring in theology, but also is involved with the CUI music department and plays French Horn in the orchestra. He grew up in Southern California and commutes to campus.
Theme music: Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling, used by permission,
God’s Mission Here spotlights the work that God is doing through His people... and this work is closer to home than you might expect! Listen as we chat with some very down-to-earth people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in God’s mission field. Get inspired. Be encouraged. Get involved! Learn more about LCMS National Mission
Not all the views expressed are necessarily those of the LCMS; please discuss any questions with your pastor.