Business is hard enough when you have a desk, air conditioning and a space where you can focus for 8-12 hours a day without interruption. Now remove the desk, the A/C, the chair and then add in interruptions, breathtaking views, a whole lot of driving and in and out cell service and internet connectivity and you get the last month and a half of my life. You know what though… You can still do it.. and much, much more.
I’m looking forward to networking with others who see the opportunity we all have now, not just for space, but for more independence, more financial freedom, business opportunity and leveraging the internet and technology to improve and inspire people’s lives. I will be the first to openly admit that the exact path to improving education and space advancements is not clear cut, and I make no claims to having it figured out. What I know to be true though, is that I know there are numerous other people out there who have pieces of the puzzle already figured out, stories and perspectives they want to share that will help the cause and it is my mission to interview them, to get their voice out there and to build a platform for us all to connect and network on the road into the future we want to create. It is my hope that these messages will inspire others to do daring and great things, to boldly march upon their own path and that together, we can better synchronize our efforts, bounce ideas off of each other and make some solid progress towards a space faring civilization and one with endless business and lifestyle advancement opportunity for any willing to undertake a healthy challenge.
Going Vertical is an entrepreneurial conversation hosted by visionary Ross Hoffman and guests who have extravagant visions for improving the world, personal wealth, technology, and people’s lives. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Let’s chat about how to make it a reality.
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