This episode's guest is Becky Castle Miller, a PhD student at Wheaton College studying New Testament with Esau McCaulley. Her dissertation research is about emotions in the Gospel of Luke. She writes and speaks on emotional, mental, and spiritual health in the church. She graduated from Northern Seminary where she studied with Scot McKnight. Her discipleship workbook with Dr. McKnight is called Following King Jesus. She and her husband and their five kids and cat returned to the US in 2020 after living in the Netherlands for eight years, where she served as discipleship director at an international church.
On this episode, Becky shares valuable insights about:
Why it's important to recognize your emotions and be emotionally healthy.
Her favourite parts of the Bible that deal with emotion
The meaning of discipleship
How pastors can provide excellent care to people who are dealing with trauma in the
Instagram: @wholeemotion
TikTok: @beckycastlemiller
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