Joel here, thanks for joining us.
Today I am going to be reading from the Book of Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 4, Verse 11 – 29.
Ecclesiasticus has to be my favorite book in The Holy Bible. It is choca-block full of common sense and wise words. It is somewhat mysterious, in that the book is not found in many Bibles, and can be quite difficult to find online. I read The New Jerusalem Bible, which includes the Book of Ecclesiaticus in The Old Testament, directly before the Book of Isaiah. There will be a link in the description for anyone looking to dive deeper into this wealth of knowledge.
Interestingly, the book is referred to as:
“The Book of the All-Virtuous Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Ben Sira.”
These ethical teachings align harmoniously with my beliefs and I am delighted to share them with you today.
So without further hesitation, Let us Share.
Wisdom teaches her children
and gives help to those who seek her.
Whoever loves her loves life,
and those who seek her from early morning are filled with joy.
Whoever holds her fast inherits glory,
and the Lord blesses the place she enters.
Those who serve her minister to the Holy One;
the Lord loves those who love her.
Those who obey her will judge the nations,
and all who listen to her will live secure.
If they remain faithful, they will inherit her;
their descendants will also obtain her.
For at first she will walk with them on tortuous paths;
she will bring fear and dread upon them,
and will torment them by her discipline
until she trusts them,
and she will test them with her ordinances.
Then she will come straight back to them again and gladden them,
and will reveal her secrets to them.
If they go astray she will forsake them,
and hand them over to their ruin.
Watch for the opportune time, and beware of evil,
and do not be ashamed to be yourself.
For there is a shame that leads to sin,
and there is a shame that is glory and favour.
Do not show partiality, to your own harm,
or deference, to your downfall.
Do not refrain from speaking at the proper moment,
and do not hide your wisdom.
For wisdom becomes known through speech,
and education through the words of the tongue.
Never speak against the truth,
but be ashamed of your ignorance.
Do not be ashamed to confess your sins,
and do not try to stop the current of a river.
Do not subject yourself to a fool,
or show partiality to a ruler.
Fight to the death for truth,
and the Lord God will fight for you.
Another great passage on Wisdom
I’m going to leave It with you to reflect on
This concludes Series Two, in Series Three I will be interviewing and discussing the most interesting topics with only the most interesting of Human Beings. If you are a Human Being and would like to a part of ‘Good News. Good Day.’ Then please contact us via Facebook or Email which I have included in the description. Thanks heaps for your valuable time. Have a Great Day, until next time, Peace.