Building your SLT team is like trying to build an aircraft while it’s in the air – Liam Powell
Liam Powell is the Head Teacher at Manor High school in Oadby, Leicestershire. He has been teaching for over 24 years, initially qualifying in 1993 as a History and Politics teacher. Liam has been a Head for over 7 years and taken Manor High school through significant changes, in particular, becoming an Academy and part of Oak Multi Academy Trust.
If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out Liam’s “Hot Choc Friday” pics on LinkedIn, they truly are brilliant and show how as a Head you can have a huge impact on your students.
Listen to more of Liam’s fantastic experience and how he still believes being a Head Teacher is the best job in the world.
Liam’s route into Education [00:36]
Advice to Student teachers entering the profession [01:36]
Is Teaching still a vocation? [02:44]
What makes a good senior leadership team in a school [03:53]
Moving from SLT to being a Head [04:55]
Advice on becoming a Headteacher [06:00]
Recent Manor High School Initiatives [08:52]
Manor Highs Partnerships [11:30]
Hot Choc Friday [13:03]
Where will Education move too in the next 5 years, being a MAT [14:34]
Primary Secondary Transition improvements [16:15]
Being process driven, not outcome driven [17:46]
Students are our greatest resource [19:25]
Recruitment needs for September [22:20]
The importance of having “Core Values” [22:48]SELECTED LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE
Connect with Liam Powell Linkedin
Manor High School Facebook Page – Twitter Feed
Luke Ambler – ANDYSMANCLUB – Linkedin
Mital Thanki – Spark Academy – Linkedin
Paul Dix – Pivotal Education Linkedin