* Danny's Instant Fame on Linkedin
* Tours in Iraq and Afghanistan
* Jobs at Harley Davidson and USPS
* Tony's Corporate Departure
* Picking the Right Career the First Time
* 104K People Who Also Hate Their Corporate Jobs
* Take the Leap, Follow Your Passion
* Percentage of People Who Hate Their Jobs
* College versus The Trades
* Make It Work, Find a Solution
* Danny's First Job - Grocery Stocker
* Tony's First Job - Arby's
* Align Your First Job to Your Career
* Inflation Rate of College Tuition
* Will College Always Be Necessary?
* College is Now Majority Female
* Danny's Unit Featured on 60 Minutes
* Woodworking Helps His PTSD
* Creating Things is Satisfying
* Don't Stick to Societal Norms
* Plumbers Own 4000sf Homes in Texas
* Cubicle to an Office (no better)
* Irreverent Warriors - Veteran Suicide Prevention -
* Silkies (Ranger Panties) Hikes
* Quitting the Job You Hate Doesn't Make You a Quitter
* Make Money with Your Hobby
Danny is a ten year army vet with 3 tours to Iraq and one to Afghanistan who uses his woodworking as a tool to help cope with his PTSD. After serving in the army, he “job hopped” a myriad of different industries trying to find what he wanted to be as a grown up. He still hasn’t grown up, as the father of 3 small kids, he’s often referred to by his wife as her 4th kid. - Your GPS to Early Success
Business and community leaders helping young people navigate the road of life!
Get Notified of New Episodes has links to all of our listen and watch platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor, YouTube, Facebook and Linkedin
Theme music "Lightspeed" by DJ Gabe Porter (age 14)!
Recorded via Zoom in Frisco, TX
Thank you Rockstars of Tomorrow in Frisco, TX for your continued support!
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