Sermon by Kenny Foster, Associate Pastor, from Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 & Mark 10:17-31. We are living in a time where we are being indoctrinated about serving. And certainly as Christians we are to be the best at serving, because we have a different motivation. The Christian is motivated by the grace and generosity of God in Christ. The gospel shows us what real justice and true righteousness looks like. Furthermore, if the gospel of Jesus Christ brought the righteousness of God into our lives, by justifying us before God, then our hearts ought to be bent in pursuing serving one another. But not for selfish reasons, but for the good of our neighbor.
Many have read the book, "When Helping Hurts", but this sermon addresses, "When Not Helping Hurts." When we serve without taking in the grace that comes from the gospel, we have the wrong image of ourselves, the wrong idea about our things, and we misunderstand the impact of our priority in serving.