If you are a mom, I know you can related. We all have those moments of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, even to a point of being burnt-out. It's not easy being a mom. It's not easy also having other titles such as wife, friend, sister, and etc. Trying to find a balance and then of course finding time for yourself!
We are not suppose to be superheroes, but we get up everyday and get it done. Some days we don't even want to get out of bed, the house is a mess, we have laundry to fold, dishes to wash, our job is never done. But give yourself some grace. You are an amazing mom, an amazing woman, You got this! You are doing things many of us can't do, handling things many of us can't handle.
God want you to be honest with Him and yourself. Feeling frustrated? Tell Him! He wants us to give our burdens to Him. He wants to help us to lighten the load. He is there to help and guide you. If you feel you are at a point of being burnt-out, ask for some help. It doesn't make you less of a mom if you do. There are also many people who are willing to help so you can get a break.
Tune in and know that besides everything you are feeling and going through, if you didn't hear it today,.. I am proud of you. Today is just one of those days where you are frustrated, overwhelmed, and probably being negative, but there's always tomorrow. Embrace the good & bad days.
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