Thousands of British troops are primed and ready to fight Saddam’s forces in the gulf.
The training is done and now it’s time to wait.
It’s a bit boring though, especially as smartphones haven’t been invented yet. So to lift morale they read their blueys from home, eat their NAAFI chocolate and tune in to their very own radio station.
Listen as the decision makers, military commanders and ordinary soldiers, sailors and airmen all reflect on their roles in the 1991 Gulf War, 30 years on.
This is an original podcast series from BFBS.
Presented by Jade Callaway.
Produced by Jade Callaway and Jess Bracey
Sound design by Joe Carden
Edited by Josella Waldron
With thanks to, Simon Guettier, Rory Higgins, BFBS Archivist Alan Grace and Claire Sadler at Forces News.
NAAFI By Land & Sea (Copyright Sue A Lowe)
The Gulf War: How did the British Army Prepare (BFBS TV 1990)
The Prime Minister speaks to Forces Families in Germany (Simon and the Squad, BFBS Radio 1991)
Interview with John McCullough from the BFBS Archive
BFBS Announcer: Richard Astbury