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Kapitel 1 | Intro
Kapitel 2 | Begrüßung
Kapitel 3 | Weihnachtsökonomen
Kapitel 4 | Krawatten, Socken und Nettowohlfahrtsverluste
Birg, L. & Pommeranz, S. (2018). The deadweight loss of christmas – Reply. CEGE – Discussion Papers, Nummer 361, Dezember. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3306346.
Waldfogel, J. (1993). The deadweight loss of Christmas. American Economic Review, 83(5):1328-1336.
Herunterladen: The New York Times
How do economists view Christmas? (livemint)
Solow, J. L. (1993). Is it really the thought that counts? Toward a rational theory of Christmas. Rationality and Society, 5(4):506-517. DOI: 10.1177%2F1043463193005004006. Kapitel 5 | Eine Schlittenfahrt mit Laura und Anna
Birg, L. & Goeddeke, A. (2016). Christmas economics – a sleigh ride. Economic Inquiry, 54(4):1980-1984. DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12356.
Arbeitspapier: SSRN, ResearchGate
Christmas Economics 2017 (Seeking Alpha)
Macro Musings | Laura Birg and Anna Goeddeke on Christmas Economics (SoundCloud)
findest du in unserer neuen Playlist: Kurvenschubser plus (SoundCloud)
Kapitel 6 | Action-Figuren und Werkzeuge
Christmas economics: Challenging some common beliefs (VOX) Kapitel 7 | Benzinpreise
Kapitel 8 | Aktienkurse
Kapitel 9 | Suizide
Kapitel 10 | Bargeld
Kapitel 11 | Gutscheine
Kapitel 12 | Santa Claus Effect
Kapitel 13 | Weiße Elefanten
Economics of Christmas
Category: Christmas economics
Kapitel 14 | Christmas clubs
Kapitel 15 | Christmas creep
Kapitel 16 | Der Weihnachts-Preisindex
Kapitel 17 | The Twelve Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas (Vocals) | YouTube Audio Library Kapitel 18 | Die wahren Kosten von Weihnachten
Kapitel 19 | Weihnachtsinsel
Christmas Economics (The New York Times)
An Economist Ruined My Christmas (Economics Job Market Rumors)
A Heartwarming Christmas Economics Story and The Wisdom of John Kenneth Galbraith (THE IFOD)
Christmas Island economy (Australian Government: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development)
How to Give the Most Efficient Christmas Gifts, According to Economists (Mental Floss)
Economist’s Christmas (Marginal Revolution University)
Christmas Economics and the True Meaning of Utility (Foundation for Economic Education) Kapitel 20 | Outro
Kapitel 21 | Scroogenomics | Joel Waldfogel | Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn't Buy Presents for the Holidays
Kapitel 22 | Deck the Halls with Macro Follies
Deck the Halls with Macro Follies (Emergent Order, EconStories)Lohntüte, Patreon, PayPal.Me, Bankkonto