The pilot of Super Podcast Land is now out! I’m very excited to release this as I’m now getting back into the swings of podcasting! This is the GreatBitBlog’s Monthly Portable gaming podcast; ranging from Game & Watches to PlayStation Vitas, if it fits in your hands and runs on a battery, we’re talking about it! In this month’s episode, Dave, Vince and I talk about our own personal history with our GameBoys and other portable consoles, talk about our favourite original GameBoy game, get a bit side tracked into GameCube and Pokemon, before finishing off talking about Senran Kagura on the PS Vita!
I want to thank Dave and Vince for being my co-hosts for this great new podcast! I want to give a big shout out to Zackery Wilson who aloud me to use his awesome, Ain’t Got Time to Bleep, track for the intro of the podcast!