'When we renew our minds with the truth of the Word of God, we rewire our minds to operate correctly and to see things, not as they seem to be but as they are."
This story, taken from Chapter 7 of my audio-book You Owe Us Your Greatest Life, Bring Your Piece, will challenge you to remove your self-imposed limiting beliefs and inspire you to pursue your dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem to achieve.
Complete your details via this link, to receive the entire chapter for FREE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFAtTzo82tNRIZy9bbaozCLBYCLs7lqBMl9aOo0p2UVpPdnQ/viewform
You can purchase a copy of either the audiobook, ebook or paperback via my website: http://www.lwazidekeda.co.za/books