Hey everyone! Today, we started reading about some clever and vainglorious kings and we will keep reading about more! We read about kind but dumb King Midas and clever (so clever he escaped death twice!) Sisyphus. I hope you enjoy todays episode, make sure to stay tuned to the end to listen to a special guest speaker: my sister, Lucia Busso.
Also, make sure to listen to my past and future episodes for more fun stories!
As you may or may not know, I will be starting school on Thursday (August 26) so I will, probably, no longer be able to make new episodes during the school week. I will probably make them either on Friday afternoons or the weekends (maybe both!).
Want to buy the book? No problem! Here is the link: amazon.com/DAulaires-Greek-Myths-Ingri-dAulaire/dp/0440406943/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16ACTSE6I4JW0&dchild=1&keywords=daulaires+book+of+greek+myths&qid=1628869211&s=books&sprefix=daulars+book+of+greek+myths%2Cstripbooks%2C158&sr=1-1
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Make sure to not leave the page, a message will appear, saying your message has been sent
You're done! Make sure to stay tuned to the podcast to here your message being played in an episode, if you don't want your message being played, then just say so in the title of your message---
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/emma-busso/message