Brenna Quinlan is an illustrator and educator who strives to make the world a better place through her art and her actions. She has ridden a bicycle across the Americas, taught permaculture in Brasil, Chile and Argentina, and lived for four years at Melliodora, the permaculture demonstration site created by permaculture co-originator David Holmgren and his partner Su Dennett in Central Victoria, Australia.
As an illustrator, Brenna has worked with the Australian Red Cross, the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, Plan International, Milkwood Permaculture, the Bob Brown Foundation, CSIRO and Costa Georgiadis, among others. As an educator, Brenna has taught alongside the biggest names in permaculture, including Rosemary Morrow, David Holmgren, Dan Palmer, and Hannah Moloney. She co-runs Grow Do It Permaculture Education, a project focused on bringing climate solutions to kids (and their grown-ups) through art, music and creativity. Brenna is currently building her own strawbale house out of reclaimed materials in Western Australia on Noongar boodja.
Instagram: @brenna_quinlan
Grow Do It: aims to share knowledge and education with our cherished listeners through this Podcast. It's about time we connect the pieces: sustainability is a sacrifice but are we ready?
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Host David Ewusi-Mensah; Co-host on research stories segment Dr Daniel Fiifi Tawia Hagan.
Our fantastic team produced it at Eco Amet Solutions.
Podcast art and Graphic design by Kamath Cheang Hernandez.
Theme song by Edem Koffie Setordjie, other sounds from Podcast.