Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Grieving the Loss of a Parent with Beth Tyson, MA

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Childhood trauma expert, Beth Tyson, MA, returns to Accidental Experts to speak with Bryce about coping with the loss of a parent. Beth shares how grief can be a comfort, and how we can lean into our grief to help process the loss we are experiencing. Together, they discuss how to explain the death of a loved one to our children, how to help keep their memory alive, finding new beginnings, and what to expect as we navigate life after a significant loss.

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Beth Tyson, MA, is a childhood trauma consultant, author, and keynote speaker passionate about creating a world where children heal and thrive. As the Founder of Beth Tyson Trauma Consulting, she educates professionals and caregivers on trauma-informed care. Her work bridges neuroscience, trust-building, empathy, and practical tools to reduce suffering and foster resilience in children and families worldwide.

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Other Resources: 
All Connected:
Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman
The AfterGrief by Hope Edelman

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