Realizations about, what "season" are you truly in right now? Are you in a transition phase, "shedding" the old, or slowing down...
Growth Mindset when it comes to WHO you are surrounding yourself with daily. Whether it is through texts, calls, conversations in ALL situation-ships, and if they are helping or hurting your growth!
Reassessing the relationships we have and reminding ourselves HOW to check in with ourselves, using our senses in the process!
RECAP: The year so far and what you are grateful for? What can you proud of with the last few months of the year ahead? What personal goals do you want to do for yourself before the year ends?
Lastly, reminding ourselves of every day finding the light even in darkness. And celebrating the little moments daily. You don't have to wait for a "special" occasion...every day is special my love! ❤️ Add/DM/Connect: